
Pauline Nicole Design

Hello there!

My name is Pauline Schlesinger and I’m the owner and creator behind Pauline Nicole Design (PND). I dipped my hands into jewelry making in summer of 2020 as I needed a creative outlet and as far back as I can remember have had a slight obsession with gemstones. I took a “Create a Ring” workshop locally in Salt Lake and was hooked on jewelry making right away! The week following my 2-hour workshop I started an apprenticeship at a jewelry repair shop and I signed myself up for a 2-week intensive at New Approach School for Jewelers in Tennessee in early 2021. With much dedication and discipline, I jumped from knowing very little in the jewelry world to being able to fabricate beautiful one-of-a-kind designs with my very own two hands! I have developed a deep connection with metals, gemstones, diamonds and have ventured on from the jewelry repair shop and I set up my own studio in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is where I continue to grow, expand my knowledge of metalsmithing and jewelry design process. I hope you see the love, dedication and attention to detail when viewing my work. I hope to inspire others to take the leap into doing what they love most. I can’t thank you enough for your support of my small business and for helping me pursue my dreams!

Thank you for supporting Pauline Nicole Design!